Much has been written about the decomposition of software designs into components or subsystems. Much has also been
written about the need to understand the deployment topology required by an application early in its lifecycle so that
correct architectural decisions can be made. However, there are very few mechanisms identified or used today to help in
the logical partitioning of a system during architectural analysis such that decisions regarding the logical topology
of a solution and the constraints imposed by non-functional requirements can easily be addressed at the model level
before generation of detailed design and implementation work products. The following page outlines a set of simple
model elements that allow for this reasoning. While they were developed with service-oriented solutions in mind, these techniques are applicable to any
software architecture modeling.
The following definitions are taken from the Rational Unified Process (RUP) glossary and contrast the notions of layers
and partitions. Interestingly enough the term tier, while common in describing the logical architecture of a
solution, does not appear in the RUP glossary.
(1) A specific way of grouping packages in a model at the same level of abstraction.
(2) The organization of classifiers or packages at the same level of abstraction. A layer
represents a horizontal slice through an architecture, whereas a partition represents a vertical slice.
(1) activity graphs: A portion of an activity graphs that organizes the responsibilities for actions.
See also: swimlane.
(2) architecture: A subset of classifiers or packages at the same level of abstraction. A partition
represents a vertical slice through an architecture, whereas a layer represents a horizontal slice.
So, a partition contains a set of elements representing some part of the architecture, but how does the Software
Architect slice a model? The answer is deceptively simple: Partitions and layers are organizational constructs; at
an architectural level they only represent logical organization. So, what aspects of the organization of a solution do
you wish to represent? For example if the model view you are developing is concerned with security then you may wish to
represent Trust Zones [JOHNSTON].
For more information see the concepts Layering and
Distribution Patterns.
What can a partition represent?
As we said above, a partition may be used to represent any particular organization concerns the architect may wish to
focus on. The following are common views that are constructed in a model. Note that one key aspect of partitions is
that they do not imply ownership/containment and so a service may appear in multiple partitions simultaneously.
Logical Solution Organization; in this case the partitions represent the logical clustering of elements in a
given solution. For example, in a business application we might use partitions to represent the separation into user
interaction services, business services, and infrastructure services. Such a view corresponds more to the use of layers
in RUP to describe tiers of an application. However, as services are not easily layered in the same way as a component
or object-based solution, we use partitions. For more information on these service classifications, see the Concept: Service Portfolio.
High-Level Physical Distribution; in this case partitions may be used to denote local versus remote services, at
least when physical distance imposes constraints on the architecture. For example, noting that the customer, account,
and order services are hosted in our primary data center and that the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) gateway is
hosted in a secondary data center is important when we also discover that the bandwidth connection between these
centers is managed and we have to carefully control communication between these partitions.
Business Application/Ownership Boundaries; in this case, partitions are used to represent ownership of services
by a business area or by an application area. For example, we might denote that certain services are "owned" by Human
Resources, some by Sales, and some by Marketing. Now, while this is not an architectural concern, most projects have to
deal with aspects that do not involve technology or architecture but the social and political aspects of the
organization. Partitions, in this respect, allow us to see how the interaction between services crosses such boundaries
and may impact the development process by requiring stakeholder support for cross-organizational change. In this case
the Artifact: Business Systems identified during Business Analysis would
form the categories for this model.
Business Process Boundaries; in this case we represent end-to-end process areas with partitions, in effect
grouping services by the processes they support. The diagram below contrasts the process view (shaded) with the
business systems view represented as the vertical bars. It is important in many cases to relate these two views of
services already deployed and services planned by a project.
This relationship between the vertical business area and the cross-business process is important to understand how
each business area provides services to the processes that actually run the business. In respect to our example,
this view regroups the services we identified earlier into new partitions as shown below.
For more information on the connection between process modeling and service identification see the Activity: Existing Asset Analysis.
In the Service Model a particular model element, the Service Partition, is used to model logical partitions. The UML
2.0 representation for partitions is based on the use of the Class model element (while some users prefer to use
subtypes of Class such as Component or Node where this fit their needs better) and uses composite structure to
define the services in a partition and the communication between them. The Service Partition element is shown in the pictures above and may
contain not only instances of Service Providers but also instances of other partitions and so
may be further composed where appropriate. A service partition may also specify one or more Service Gateways which are named and typed UML 2.0 ports. These
ports are typed by Service Specifications in the same way a Service is and thus can be perceived as virtual services
specifying the interface to a partition.
So, for example it might be appropriate to note that the order management process area is accessed by the same
interface to the order entry service provider in the diagram above. We term this promoting the interface from the
service out to the partition. The following diagram depicts this and shows how the order entry service provider
communicates with the other services in the partition.
One capability of the service gateway is the ability to mediate communication bindings between clients on the outside
of a partition and services on the inside. This allows for services to only deal with certain protocol bindings within
a partition, for example to use a higher performance or more secure protocol within the boundaries and to expose
certain capabilities to clients over a different protocol. For more information see the guideline Service Mediation.
Note also that as the partitions are based on the use of UML 2.0 Composite Structures, there is no "containment"
relationship between the partition and the services, it is possible, as we have shown above, to represent the same
services in multiple partitions or views. If this flexibility is tied to the capability of service gateways, the
software architect and designer can cluster services in logical groupings and allow service gateways to expose only
relevant interfaces to clients.
A strict partition is a partition where all services within the partition are accessed by clients/services outside the
partition through service gateways. This implies that the service partition has its own set of interfaces and as such
it may be seen as a logical higher-level service provider. This is particularly useful for partitions that represent
either business application boundaries or business process boundaries. It also allows for the process represented to
identify the interfaces it exposes to the rest of the business and which of the services supporting the process area
are made publicly available. The order-management partition above is a strict partition, but the concept of
"strictness" can only be assessed by evaluating a partition and is not a property of the model element itself.
In the example below the partition on the left may be considered strict because the client (outside the partition) can
only communicate with the order entry provider (within the partition) via a gateway. On the other hand the partition
shown on the right hand side of the diagram may not be considered as a strict partition as the client communicates
directly with the order entry provider inside the partition.
It is important to realize that modeling of strict partitions, even the use of gateways at all, is optional and
should be considered simply as a tool that allows for the modeling of explicit communications between partitions
(whatever they themselves represent) and for many purposes the additional overhead may not be warranted.
[JOHNSTON] Simon Johnston, Modeling Security Concerns in Service-Oriented Architecture. IBM
developerWorks 2004.