Subsystem Integration Testing
For subsystem integration testing, the Build to
be tested (packaged in one or more J2EE Modules) must be assembled into a J2EE Application and then deployed into the testing environment.
For more information on Builds for J2EE Applications, see Guideline: Builds for J2EE Applications.
For more information on assembling J2EE Applications, see Guideline: Assembling J2EE Applications.
For more information on deploying J2EE Applications, see Guideline: Deploying J2EE Modules and Applications.
System Integration Testing
For system integration testing, the Build to be tested (packaged in a J2EE Application) must be deployed into the testing environment.
For more information on Builds for J2EE Applications, see Guideline: Builds for J2EE Applications.
For more information on deploying J2EE Applications, see Guideline: Deploying J2EE Modules and Applications.