In several tasks in RUP, we canvass the need to examine the emerging Design Model, make judgments about various quality aspects, and then, if necessary, refactor the model. It is also
important to be able to maintain the architectural integrity of a system once it has moved into implementation, to
ensure architectural and design constraints are not violated and that the system, as implemented, continues to align
with the architectural vision. In RUP, these major checkpoints occur in the Tasks: Review the Architecture, Review the Design and Review Code.
A different, but allied, problem arises during architectural and design synthesis: in the Tasks: Architectural Analysis (see Develop
Architecture Overview and Survey
Available Assets) and Incorporate Existing Design Elements, the Software Architect is
advised to look for opportunities to reuse existing design and code assets, incorporating them into the Design Model,
after reverse-engineering, if necessary. Unless the reused assets come with some type of quality certification, the
Software Architect will want to subject them to the same scrutiny as newly created design and code.
In both cases, the consequential needs of the Software Architect are the same for this static analysis:
To take a coded application (or fragment thereof), discover its symbolic structure, and recover this,
ideally into a Design Model, in UML form. The recovery of browsable documentary artifacts also has
significant value in allowing the Software Architect to see how the code is really structured, when documentation
does not exist, or is out of date
To be able to analyze any Design Model, collect the quality metrics (such as Term Definition: coupling) that are called out in the Artifact: Measurement Plan and check compliance with the Artifact: Software Architecture Document and the Design Guidelines
To be made aware of significant architectural or design changes so that corrective action may be taken, if
necessary. Significance is judged against criteria set by the Software Architect
In theory, these needs could be fulfilled through inspection; in practice, for larger, more complex systems, some type
of automated assistance is essential. The following sections provide some elaboration of these topics and examples of
tool support.
Architecture Discovery and Recovery
In Greenfield development, software architecture emerges from the requirements and the domain context and conventions
(including patterns and mechanisms); the Supplementary Specifications artifact has an important role in
determining the architecture. This process of shaping the software architecture is sometimes called discovery, because
there is rarely a straightforward, mechanical mapping from requirements to architecture. Here, however, we are using
discovery in a different sense, to describe the process of helping the Software Architect understand an
existing application or application fragment in coded form. Architectural recovery is more ambitious: through
recovery, not only does the Software Architect seek to understand an application, but also to extract a model of that
application, ideally at a level of abstraction compatible with the Design Model. The possibility then exists of merging
these models and, through Term Definition: transformation, generating a new application, perhaps for a different Term Definition: platform.
In the Tasks: Architectural Analysis (see Develop
Architecture Overview and Survey
Available Assets) and Incorporate Existing Design Elements, the Software Architect looks
for opportunities to reuse existing design and code assets. For example, an organization might have several Reference Architectures in its asset base, and ideally these are
complete with up-to-date documentation and models. However, often there is little more than source code and, if there
is architectural documentation, it is not current.
In many cases, the Software Architect cannot treat such code as a black box (even if the interfaces are clearly
defined) but needs to understand its structure. This process is greatly assisted by the ability to automatically
generate browsable depictions of the code. The Software Architect can then visually 'discover' patterns and
antipatterns in the code. An example of this kind of assistance is found in the Rational Software Architect tool, where
the architecture discovery capability will automatically populate topic diagrams, such as package structure, class
internals, inheritance trees, and collaborations, for Java applications. For more information, see Rational Software Architect documentation.
Recovery and Transformation
When reusable assets are complete with models, it is possible to combine those models with project-specific models and
then proceed into platform-specific implementation using transformation techniques. When code is all that exists, it
might still be possible to reuse it even with a transformation-based approach by integrating the code produced from
transformation with the legacy code.
The Software Architect has most power and flexibility through the use of architecture recovery: recovery capability
will generate a semantically-rich model of the application, which can be used for code generation as well as for
browsing. In practice, reverse-engineering code back to a straightforward visual representation is often tractable;
abstracting such a model back to the same level as a Term Definition: platform independent model Design Model is, in general, difficult
to automate completely.
This is essentially a Term Definition: platform specific model to Term Definition: platform independent model transformation (see Concept: Model-Driven Development (MDD) and Model Driven Architecture (MDA )); the
recovered PIM (fragment) is then combined with the Design Model (itself a PIM) using a model merge (see [OMG03]) type of transformation.
Analysis of Architectures
Having browsable models allows the Software Architect to verify architectural quality through inspection. However, this
can be tedious and time-consuming, and checking standards and rules compliance and gathering metrics this way is error
prone. The Software Architect should look to automate as much as possible of this process, and thereby spend more time
finding and applying remedies; automation allows the Software Architect to experiment, to ask "what if" and quickly
check the result.
What Can Be Automated?
Automated architectural analysis can:
Find patterns and antipatterns (pathological structures) in the architecture
Perform measurements on various structures and report Metrics
Check for compliance with constraints from the Software Architect (see Architectural Control)
Term Definition: pattern is dictated by project and organization standards, and
the rationale for their use is captured in the Software Architecture Document (if they have architectural significance)
or the Design Guidelines. Through automated analysis, the Software Architect can quickly check pattern usage, to verify
that the intent of the Software Architecture Document and the Design Guidelines is met. Antipatterns are pathological
architectural and design structures that in some way weaken the architecture, by making it less robust, more complex,
or more difficult to maintain, for example.
The measurements to be performed are called out in the Work Product: Measurement Plan (some suggested metrics are to be
found in Guideline: Metrics). The Measurement Plan also describes how a metric is to be used,
for example, whether higher or lower values are better or whether it is the trend that is important, so it is useful to
have the metrics analysis also identify hot spots - places in the architecture where change would yield significant
improvement in the collected metrics. Not surprisingly, these will often be associated with pathologies in the
structure. The Software Architect then has an objective basis for improvement, can make changes, or delegate follow-up
actions that can be tested once complete.
What Is the Target of Analysis?
The target of analysis can vary through the lifecycle, depending on the development approach chosen. When a project
uses a transformational (generational) approach, the target will normally be the Design Model, on the assumption that
the generated application is always synchronized with the design. When an Artifact: Implementation Model is created and separately maintained,
or when code is reused, focus shifts to the code, to ensure it retains architectural integrity when measured against
the Software Architecture Document and the Design Guidelines.
This type of analysis (on an Implementation Model) might not actually recover an explicit Design Model from the code,
for analysis purposes; it is, nevertheless, concerned with architecture and design issues (as they are manifest in the
code), not coding standards.
An Example of these Concepts and Capabilities
The Rational Software Architect tool, in addition to its ability to recover documentation for Java applications through
architecture discovery, can identify and report against a set of pre-defined patterns that could indicate potential
trouble spots in the architecture. These patterns include, among others:
The Butterfly
The Breakable
The Hub
The Tangle
The Butterfly
A butterfly is an element, such as a class, that has many relationships with other dependent elements, which
would be affected if the butterfly were changed. If the relationships are direct, these elements are called local
butterflies. Rational Software Architect can also trace relationships as they cascade through an application and
determine if changes to an element could affect not only the direct dependents, but their dependents in turn, and so on
transitively through the entire application. Such an element with many indirect dependencies is called a global
butterfly. An illustration of a local butterfly is shown below. The diagram also shows that the relationships can
be other than UML dependencies: for example, an element is dependent on another when it realizes it; a change in the
specifying element will affect the element that realizes it.
A Local Butterfly
The Breakable
A breakable is an element that has many dependencies; that is, it has many relationships where it depends on
another element. A change to any of those other elements will affect the breakable. As with butterflies, when the
relationships are direct these elements are called local breakables, and global breakables if there
are many indirect relationships that impact the element. A global breakable is vulnerable to changes in many parts of
an application and indicates a lack of modularity. An illustration of a local breakable is shown below.
A Local Breakable
The Hub
A hub is an element that combines the characteristics of a butterfly and a breakable. It also has
local and global forms. The presence of global hubs is an indication of poor partitioning, resulting
in software that is extremely sensitive to change-changes tend to ripple through the entire application.
The Tangle
A tangle is a large group of elements whose relationships are so convoluted that a change in any one of them could
affect all of the others. Such structures are a source of major instability.
The Software Architect, working with the Rational Software Architect tool, can discover these hot spots quickly and
work with the Designer to rectify them. For more information, see Rational Software Architect documentation.
The results of these analyses are valuable at any review milestone, as objective and quantifiable evidence of
architectural and design quality, or when, as in Update the Organization of the Design Model (in Task: Incorporate
Existing Design Elements) there are significant architectural changes.
Architectural Control
The vision of the Software Architect is captured in the Software Architecture Document and practical guidance for the
Designer is found in the Design Guidelines. Even when that vision is shared by all staff, it is sometimes obscured by
the day-to-day exigencies of project work. With deadlines to meet, corners might be cut, and the Software Architect
usually cannot participate in every decision. So arises the issue of control: just as the Project Manager has to set
thresholds and limits and monitor them (see Task: Monitor Project Status), the Software Architect has an analogous task for the emerging software design and
Architectural control gives the Software Architect the capability to create rules to enforce architectural constraints.
For example, the Software Architect might define a rule that would raise a warning on every realization of a particular
interface. The simple expression of this rule without tool support would require more or less constant review to catch
breaches. With automation, the rules can be encoded so that violations of the ruleset can be caught during architecture
analysis. This is still occurring after the fact, and an advanced control environment would encode the rules into the
design and code production process, preventing them from being broken in the first place; even so, it greatly improves
the manual review process.
The Rational Software Architect tool includes such a capability for Java applications: the Software Architect can set
rules and then run analyses to verify compliance. For more information, see Rational Software Architect documentation.