Capability Pattern: Inception Iteration
This is an example Inception Phase iteration. It includes the activities typically performed during a single iteration in the inception phase. The overriding goal of the inception phase is to achieve concurrence among all stakeholders on the lifecycle objectives for the project. The inception phase is of significance primarily for new development efforts, in which there are significant business and requirements risks which must be addressed before the project can proceed. For projects focused on enhancements to an existing system, the inception phase is more brief, but is still focused on ensuring that the project is both worth doing and possible to do.
DescriptionWork Breakdown StructureTeam AllocationWork Product Usage

Activity diagram: Inception Iteration Conceive New Project Prepare Project Environments Prepare Environment for an Iteration Define Project Plans Monitor and Control Project Develop Initial Vision Develop Domain Model Manage the Scope of the System Define the System Perform Architectural Synthesis Define Evaluation Mission Manage Iteration Plan for Next Iteration
Work Breakdown