Tool Mentor: Finding Business Workers and Entities Using Rational Rose
This tool mentor describes how to use Rational Rose to record the results of finding business workers and entities.
Tool: Rational Rose
Main Description


This tool mentor describes how to use Rational Rose to record the results of finding business workers and entities.


The following steps are a summary of how you model the results of finding business workers and entities:

  1. Create the Business Analysis Model
  2. Create classes in the Business Analysis Model
  3. Create the business use-case realizations package
  4. Create a business use-case realization
  5. Create traceability between a business use-case and its realization
  6. Identify the business use case realization owner
  7. Create a collaboration diagram for the business use-case realization
  8. Place actors and objects in a collaboration diagram
  9. Create links between objects in a collaboration diagram
  10. Create a sequence diagram for the business use case realization
  11. Place actors and objects in a sequence diagram
  12. Describe messages between objects in a sequence diagram
  13. Describe what an object does when it receives a message in a sequence diagram
  14. Create class diagrams to document classes in the Business Analysis Model

1. Create the Business Analysis Model

A separate Business Analysis Model can be represented in Rational Rose using a package within the Logical View Named "Business Analysis Model". To create a package called Business Analysis Model in the Logical View:

  • Select the Logical View in the browser.

  • Select Package from the New option on the pop-up menu. A NewPackage browser icon is added to the browser.
  • With the new package icon selected, type the name Business Analysis Model.

2. Create classes in the Business Analysis Model

To create a class (a business worker, business event or a business entity) in the business analysis model:

  • Select the Business Analysis Model package in the browser and make the pop-up menu visible.

  • Select Class from the New option on the pop-up menu. A NewClass class icon is added to the browser. While the new class is still selected, type the name of the class.
  • Open the Class Specification for the new class.
  • In the documentation field, enter its brief description.
  • In the Stereotype field, enter «business worker», «business event» or «business entity».

3. Create the business use-case realizations package in the Business Analysis Model

All business use-case realizations are organized initially into a package within the Artifact: Business Analysis Model, which is in turn represented as a package in the Logical View in Rational Rose.

When you create a package within the Business Analysis Model to contain the business use-case realizations, you should:

  • Name the new package Business Use-Case Realizations.

  • Select Class Diagram from the New option on the pop-up menu. A NewDiagram browser icon is added to the browser.
  • With the new diagram icon selected, type the name Traceabilities.

4. Create a business use-case realization

To create a business use-case realization:

  • Select the Use Case View package in the browser and make the pop-up menu visible.

  • Select Use Case from the New option on the pop-up menu. A NewUseCase class icon is added to the browser.
  • Select the NewUseCase icon. Drag-and-drop the NewUseCase into the Business Use-Case Realization package within the Business Analysis Model package.
  • Double-click the NewUseCase icon to display the Use Case Specification dialog for NewUseCase and replace the name NewUseCase with the name of the business use case.
  • In the Stereotype field, enter «business use-case realization».
  • Click OK.
  • If a dialog appears indicating the business use case now exists in two name spaces, click OK.

5. Create traceability between a business use-case and its 

To create traceability between a business use case and its business use-case realization:

  • Expand the Logical View in the browser.

  • Expand the Business Analysis Model package in the browser
  • Expand the Business Use-Case Realization package in the browser
  • Double-click on the Traceabilities in the Business Use-Case Realization package diagram to open it.
  • From the Use Case View left-click to select the business use case. Holding the left-button down, drag-and-drop the business use case onto the canvas of the Traceabilities diagram.
  • From the Business Use-Case Realizations package, left-click the select the business use-case realization you wish to associate with the business use case selected. Holding the left-button down, drag and drop the business use-case realization onto the canvas of the Traceabilities diagram, locating it in close proximity to the business use case.
  • From the diagram tool bar, select the association tool.
  • Left-click on the business use-case realization. Holding the left-button down, move the mouse pointer to the business use case and release the left-button. An association will be created.
  • Double-click on the association to display the association specification.
  • In the stereotype field, enter realizes.
  • Click OK.

6. Identify the business use-case realization owner

To insert an owner dependency from a business use case realization to a business worker in a class diagram, do the following:

  • Select the Dependency arrow from the toolbox in the class diagram editor.
  • Position the cursor on the business use case realization in the class diagram. Left-click and move the cursor to the business worker symbol and release.
  • Double-click on the created dependency and select the «owner» stereotype in the Dependency Specification dialog box.
  • Click OK.
  • Right-click on the created dependency, and make sure that the Show Stereotype selection is checked in the pop-up menu.
  • The stereotype label can be repositioned by dragging and dropping it in the diagram.

7. Create a collaboration diagram for the business use-case realization

Business use-case realizations are captured in Rational Rose using collaboration diagrams. For more complex realizations, you can use sequence diagrams (see Create a Sequence Diagram for the Business Use-Case Realization).

To create a collaboration diagram for the business use-case realization:

  • Right-click to select the business use-case realization in the browser and make the pop-up menu visible.

  • Select Collaboration Diagram from the New option on the pop-up menu. A NewDiagram collaboration diagram icon is added to the browser.
  • With the new collaboration diagram selected, type the name of the diagram. Name the diagram <business use-case name> - <workflow type>. This naming convention simplifies future tracing of objects to the business use-case realization that they participate in.
  • Double-click on the new collaboration diagram to bring it up in the diagram window.

8. Place actors and objects in a collaboration diagram

To create objects in collaboration diagrams, do the following:

  • Double-click on the collaboration diagram in the browser to open it up in the diagram window.

  • Click to select a business actor in the browser.
  • Drag-and-drop the business actor onto the collaboration diagram.
  • Click to select a business worker, business entity or business event in the browser.
  • Drag-and-drop the class onto the collaboration diagram. An object of that class is created in the collaboration diagram.
  • Repeat the preceding steps for each object and actor in the business use-case realization.

9. Create links between objects in a collaboration diagram

Links provide a way for two objects/actors to exchange messages. To create a link between two objects in a collaboration diagram, do the following:

  • Double-click on the collaboration diagram in the browser to open the diagram.

  • Click to select the link symbol from the toolbar.
  • Click on the business actor or object on one end of the link and drag the message line to the business actor or object at the other end of the link.
  • Repeat the preceding steps for each link required between objects or business actors in the business use-case realization.

10. Create a sequence diagram for the business use-case 

To create a sequence diagram for a business use-case realization:

  • Right-click to select the business use-case realization in the browser and make the pop-up menu visible.

  • Select Sequence Diagram from the New option on the pop-up menu. A NewDiagram sequence diagram icon is added to the browser.
  • With the new sequence diagram selected, type the name of the sequence diagram. It is recommended that you name the diagram <business use-case name> - <flow type>. This naming convention simplifies future tracing of objects to the business use-case realization that they participate in.
  • Double-click on the new sequence diagram to bring it up in the diagram window.
  • In the documentation window, enter a brief description of the business use-case realization that the sequence diagram depicts.

11. Place actors and objects in a sequence diagram

To place actors objects in sequence diagrams:

  • Double-click on the sequence diagram in the browser to open it up in the diagram window.

  • Click to select the business actor in the browser.
  • Drag-and-drop the business actor onto the sequence diagram.
  • Click to select a business worker or a business entity in the browser.
  • Drag-and-drop the business worker or business entity onto the sequence diagram. An object of that class is created in the collaboration diagram.
  • Repeat the preceding steps for each object and actor in the business use-case realization.

12. Describe messages between objects in a sequence diagram

To create a message in a sequence diagram:

  • Click to select the Object Message symbol from the toolbar.

  • Click on the actor or object sending the message and drag the message line to the actor or object receiving the message.
  • Enter the name of the message while the message line is still selected.
  • Repeat the preceding steps for each message in the business use-case realization.

To document a message:

  • Open the Message Specification dialog box for the message, either by double-clicking on the message, or by right-clicking and selecting the Specification option in the pop-up menu.

  • Enter the documentation in the Documentation field.
  • If the message represents the sending of a business event, open the Detail tab. Select Asynchronous.
  • Select OK to close the specification.

To rearrange the time order of messages in a sequence diagram, select the message arrow and drag-and-drop messages up and down the time axis to rearrange the order.

13. Describe what an object does when it receives a message in a sequence diagram

To attach a script to a message:

  • Select the Text Box symbol in the sequence diagram toolbar.

  • Click on the position where you want to insert the script in the diagram.
  • Enter the script in the text box.
  • Select both the script and the message arrow by selecting the two symbols while holding down the shift-key.
  • Select the Attach Script option from the Edit menu. This attaches the script to the message. Note that the script disappears if the message is removed.

Scripts can be formatted by selecting their text box and dragging the corner markers.

14. Create class diagrams to document classes in the Business Analysis Model

To create a class diagram and insert a class in the diagram, do the following:

  • Right-click to select the Business Analysis Model package in the browser and make the pop-up menu visible.

  • Select Class Diagram from the New option on the pop-up menu. A NewDiagram class diagram is added to the browser.
  • While the class diagram is still selected, type the name of the class diagram; name the diagram after the class that it is meant to describe.
  • Click to select the class in the browser.
  • Drag-and-drop the class onto the class diagram.
  • Repeat the preceding steps for each class in the Business Analysis Model package.