In business modeling you must define a common vocabulary using the most common terms and expressions in the problem
domain. You should then consistently use the common vocabulary in all textual descriptions of the business. In this
way, you keep the textual descriptions consistent and avoid misunderstandings among project members about the use and
meaning of terms. You should document the vocabulary in a glossary.
To find common terms in the problem domain, consider terms used when talking about what the business is about. Focus on
terms describing the following concepts:
Business objects representing concepts used in the organization's daily work. In many cases, a list of concepts of
this kind already exists.
Real-world objects that the business needs to be aware of. These objects occur naturally, and include such things
as: car, dog, bottle, aircraft, passenger, reservation, or invoice.
Each term is typically described as a noun, with a definition. Terms should be in the singular, "order" and "task", not
"orders" and "tasks". All interested parties should agree on definitions for the terms.