Artifact: Business Design Model |
This artifact describes the realization of the business use cases by interacting business systems, business workers and business entities. It is also a refinement or a realization of the Business Analysis Model which in most of the cases will replace. |
Domains: Business Modeling
Work Product Kinds: Model
Extends: Business Analysis Model |
The purpose of the Business Design Model is to describe how the business use cases are realized. The Business Design
Model defines the services offered by the business in terms of interfaces and operations, the information that is
passed around (business entities), the internal organization into business systems and business workers and how
they collaborate to realize the external behavior described in the business use cases.
This is the place where all the design decisions are captured. The "more abstract" elements from the Business
Analysis Model are realized by "more concrete" ones. For example, the initial Business Workers are mapped or realized
into human workers or automated systems. In most of the cases the Business Analysis Model evolves into a Business
Design Model, as more design decisions are taken.
The Business Design Model is used by stakeholders, business-process analysts and business architects to
understand how the business currently works (in as-is form), and to analyze the effect of changes to the business (in
to-be form). The business architect is responsible for the structure and integrity of the model, while business
designers are responsible for detailing elements within the model. The model is also used by systems analysts for
deriving system requirements based on how automated systems - that is, automated business workers (usually
software-intensive) - will be used as part of business processes. Software architects use the model to define a
software architecture that fits the organization seamlessly and to identify classes in software analysis and design
Contained Artifacts |
Roles | Responsible:
| Modified By:
Tasks | Input To:
| Output From:
Impact of not having |
As in the business analysis model case, the business design model describes how the business works
internally to perform business functions, so the model is essential when considering changes to the business processes
or the organization (structure, roles and responsibilities) - you will be unable to reason about such changes without
this model.
Reasons for not needing |
Reference: Artifact: Business Analysis Model.
Representation Options |
UML Representation: Model, stereotyped as <<business design>>.
The business design model may have the following properties, similar to the
Business Analysis Model:
Introduction: A textual description that serves as a brief introduction to the model.
Business Systems: Components in the model, representing a hierarchy*.
Business Workers: The Business Worker classes in the model, owned by the Business Systems.
Business Entities: The Business Entity classes in the model, owned by the Business Systems.
Business Events: The Business Event classes in the model, owned by the Business Systems.
Business Rules: The Business Rules captured in the model. These are not the Business Rules that
are captured in document form in a separate artifact.
Relationships: The relationships in the model, owned by the Business Systems.
Business Use-Case Realizations: The Business Use-Case Realizations in the model, owned by the
Business Systems.
Business Context Collaboration: The external realization of the interactions between the business
and the business actors, showing the services provided by the top-level Business System (that is, the
business itself), the interfaces for these services, the connections to the business actors, and the Business
Entities input and output.
Diagrams: The diagrams in the model, owned by the Business Systems.
*Note that the business itself is the top-level component (Business System), and may directly encapsulate business
workers, business entities etc.
For a more detailed description of different flavors of Business Design Model see Artifact: Business Analysis Model.
More Information
Checklists |
Concepts |
Guidelines |
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2006. All Rights Reserved.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2006. All Rights Reserved.