Note: The My View capability, implemented as applets, requires JRE 1.4.2 or higher (you can download
a JRE from If the site that you are
viewing was published without applets, then My View will not be present.
The tree browser that appears in the left pane of the browser window lets you navigate the topics in the Web site.
Initially it contains a set of default trees, or tabbed view panels.
You can customize navigation by creating own personalized tree views. To start, you save one of the default
trees to use as the starting template for your new tree view. You can then create, customize, or delete topics.
The tree browser displays two types of trees:
Default Trees, which are provided when a Web site is published from the IBM Rational Method Composer.
Default trees cannot be modified.
My View Trees, your own personal views, are created by you and can be modified to
display topics that suit your specific process and environment.
The tree browser contains a set of tabbed panels, and each panel contains a tree.
This is called a tree panel.
The tab on the panel displays the tree browser's title. The titles of the
default trees are gray; the title of a customized tree, a My View tree, is gray
with a pencil icon, indicating that it is modifiable.
When you first open the Web site, the tree browser opens, showing a default tree.
(In this example, it is the Team tree.)
The tree panel consists of a toolbar that works on a tree basis, tabs for each tree
panel, and a list of topics in each tree panel.
The function of each of the tools on the toolbar is explained in the following
The tree browser lets you to show and hide trees on other tabs so you can view only those trees that you want.
To show all the tabs, click
To hide all other tabs except the one you are viewing, click
Showing and hiding tree set states is persistent. The next time you start the Web site, you will see either the tree
that you chose or all of the trees, depending on the state you selected the last time you used the Web site.
You can create an unlimited number of My View trees. The following example shows how to add a modifiable My
View tree.
Select the tree that you want to use as the template and click Save As.
Click Team to set it as the template.
The Save As dialog box appears, prompting you for a tree title for your My View
Under Please enter a title for the tree, type the title for your tree (for example, Tutorial RUP ) and click OK.
Tutorial RUP is added to the tree panel as a new
You can customize your My View tree and its topics in a number of ways:
Use the toolbar to:
Use the pop-up menu for selected topics to:
Another customization you might want to make:
To add a new topic, click Add New Node.
The Properties Editor dialog box opens. Enter the various properties of this new
Enter the various property values. Note that you can use the browse button on the far right
to browse to file locations for local file links and icons.
The new topic is added to end of the tree.
Note: You can also add new topics by dragging files from a file explorer, such as Windows Explorer, onto any
topic in the tree. The topic name is initially the file name. You can change it as described in this section.
Changes to your My View tree are saved as they are made.
This section describes how to copy an existing topic from a default tree into your My View tree.
The Drag and Drop Topic from [default tree] dialog box opens.
Drag any topic into your My View tree.
You can also choose the default tree from which to drag topics.
Click in the list to select the default tree you want. The tree refreshes with the
topics from the selected default tree.
Changes to your My View tree are saved as they are made.
To insert a new topic into an existing one, right-click it.
On the pop-up menu, click Insert new. The following example shows the insertion
of a new topic (titled New tutorial topic) in Disciplines.
The Properties Editor dialog box opens.
Enter the various properties for this new topic.
The new topic is inserted into Disciplines.
To change a topic's properties, right-click the topic (for example, Overview).
On the pop-up menu, select Properties.
The Properties Editor dialog opens. In this example, the title of the topic Overview
will be changed to Changed Overview.
For the Name property, type Changed Overview in the Value field, and click
Enter. You can also cut and paste text values into the Value fields of this dialog
box. Click OK to close this dialog box.
The name is changed on the tree.
Note: The Link to field in the Properties Editor dialog box lets you link to a URL or a file elsewhere in
your system.
The position of a topic can be adjusted within its parent. In this example, the Disciplines topic will be moved up.
Right-click the Disciplines topic.
On the pop-up menu, click Move up.
The display changes to show you the new position of the Disciplines topic.
Changes to your My View tree are saved as they are made.
You can move a topic to another tree by using the drag and drop feature.
To start, click the topic and drag it to the new topic.
Changes to your My View tree are saved as they are made.
To delete a topic, select the one you want to remove and click Delete.
Changes to your My View tree are saved as they are made.
To change the icon for any topic listed in the tree browser, drag an icon file onto the topic or use the Properties
Editor to change the icon name. An icon file is a .gif, .jpg, or .bmp file. The new icon replaces the old one.
Changes to your My View tree are saved as they are made.
Deleting a My View Tree
The following figures illustrate how to delete a My View tree.
Select the tree to delete (in this example, Tutorial RUP).
Click the Tutorial RUP tab, and then click Delete.
The Confirm Deletion of Tree dialog box prompts you to confirm the deletion. Answer
OK to Delete Tutorial RUP permanently?
The Tutorial RUP tree is removed from the display of tabs in the Tree panel.