This tool mentor supports performing Describing Runtime Architecture with Rational XDE Developer - Java
Platform Edition.
The steps in this tool mentor match those in the corresponding task.
Links to topics in XDE online Help are marked with
The following steps are performed in this tool mentor:
There is no Rational XDE specific guidance for this step.
If there is application concurrency, then you must identify threads of control, which are shown as active classes.
Identify the package in which the active class belongs. Navigate to that package.
Add the active class to a class diagram. See
Adding Shapes to Diagrams
Mark the class as active. See
Making Classes or
Objects Active
Navigate to the use-case realization that requires this active class.
Illustrate complex inter-process and inter-thread communication using sequence diagrams. For guidance on creating
sequence diagrams as part of use-case realizations, see Tool Mentor: Designing Use-Cases Using Rational XDE .
Specify the type of concurrency for operations.
Specifying the Type of Concurrency for Operations
guidance related to message-driven EJBs, see Tool Mentor: Identifying Design Elements Using Rational XDE.
Add sequence diagrams to represent process and thread lifecycles. Each process or thread must appear in the sequence
diagrams that create and destroy it. For guidance related to creating sequence diagrams, see Tool Mentor: Designing Use-Cases Using Rational XDE.
There is no Rational XDE specific guidance for this step.
There is no Rational XDE specific guidance for this step.
There is no Rational XDE specific guidance for this step.
Use aggregation relationships to show the composition of the active classes and to show non-active classes that execute
under the control of the active classes.
Navigate to the Design Model package that contains the Process View. See Rational XDE Model Structure Guidelines.
Add a class diagram to this package. See
Diagrams .
Drag and drop the active classes, along with the significant design classes that are under the control of these
active classes, onto the class diagram. See
Shapes to Diagrams
Add association relationships. See
Association Relationships
Specify aggregation.
Specifying Kinds of
Association Relationships
Working with Class Diagrams