Template: Development Case
The template is attached in one or more formats.
Related Elements
Main Description

The Development Case documents the process customizations that are made for a particular project.

The following pair of templates together comprise the Development Case:

Handy Links to Work Products

Since hyperlinks from the work products workbook into a published method Web site are too difficult to maintain, hyperlinks for those work products are provided below.

Business Modeling

Business Analysis Model
Business Architectural Proof-of-Concept
Business Architecture Document
Business Deployment Model
Business Design Model
Business Glossary
Business Goal
Business Rule
 Business Use Case Model
Business Vision
 Supplementary Business Specification
Target-Organization Assessment


Requirements Attributes (Repository)
Requirements Management Plan
Software Requirement
SRS: Software Requirements Specification
SRS: Supplementary Specifications
SRS: Use Case
SRS: Use-Case Model
Stakeholder Requests

Analysis & Design

Analysis Model
Architectural Proof-of-Concept
Data Model
Deployment Model
Design Model
Navigation Map
Reference Architecture
 Service Model
Software Architecture Document
User-Interface Prototype


Developer Test
Implementation Element: Product Samples
Implementation Element: Source Code
Implementation Model
Integration Build Plan


Iteration Test Plan
Master Test Plan
Test Automation Architecture
Test Case
Test Data
Test Environment Configuration
Test Evaluation Summary
Test Ideas List
Test Interface Specification
Test Log
Test Plan(s)
Test Results
Test Script
Test Strategy
Test Suite
Workload Analysis Model


Guide: Manual Styleguide
Product Artwork
Product: Bill of Materials
ProductDeployment Unit
Product: Installation Artifacts
User Support Material: Product Publications
User Support Material: Release Notes
User Support Material: Training Materials
User Support Material: Help Text

Project Management

Business Case
Deployment Plan
Development Infrastructure
Issues List
Iteration Assessment
Iteration Plan
Measurement Plan
Problem Resolution Plan
Product Acceptance Plan
Project Measurements
Quality Assurance Plan
Review Record
Risk List
Risk Management Plan
Software Development Plan
Status Assessment
Work Order


Development Case
Development Organization Assessment
Development Process
Guide: Design Guidelines Template
Guide: Programming Guidelines Template
Guide: Test Guidelines Template
Guide: Use-Case Modeling Guidelines Template
Project-Specific Guidelines
Project-Specific Templates

Configuration & Change Management

Change Request
Configuration Audit Findings
Configuration Management Plan
Project Repository