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Testing and Software Quality

Testing and Software Quality

Subject is focused on software testing and software qulity. Contents include techniques for test creation and metrics and methods for software quality and testing. There are two main areas. One is test management and software quality and second area is testing techniques. read on Testing and Software Quality

Neural Networks

Neural Networks

Subejct is focuset to area of Neural Networks. In most case is focuset on several basic types of neural networks and implementations of networks.
read on Neural Networks

JAT - Java Technology

JAT - Java Technology

Materials and information for subject Java Technology. Subject is focused on extension of students knoledges and skills in JavaSE and JavaEE platform.

During the semester can be information modified.

Students have to develop graded task on each computer lab. Students have to colect at least half of total sum of points to be able obtain credits. read on JAT - Java Technology

VEA - Enterprise Application Development

VEA - Enterprise Application Development

Subject describe characteristic of enterprise applications. Design patterns for enterprise applications are presented to students. Next area are JAVA frameworks used for enterprise application development. Studets are lerned about three commonly used layers of enterprise architecture so students are lerned mostly used layred enterprise architecture. Codes and labs are focused to framework. read on VEA - Enterprise Application Development

Přístupový systém ENTRAS

Přístupový systém ENTRAS

Katedra informatiky jejedním z partnerů, kteří se podílejí na vývoji přístupového systém ENTRAS. Vývoj tohoto systému je také podpořen Moravskoslezským krajem. Jako člen vývojového týmu jsem zodpovědný za vývoj softwarového řešení desktopové a serverové části systému. read on Přístupový systém ENTRAS