Testing and Software Quality

Subject is focused on software testing and software qulity. Contents include techniques for test creation and metrics and methods for software quality and testing. There are two main areas. One is test management and software quality and second area is testing techniques.
Slides are available to download.
Files containig lectures
Labs 1. - 3. Component Testing
Labs are focused to component testing and code coverage. Software Eclipse, JUnit and EclEmma are used in this labs.
Labs are ended by marked homework. Student have to create unit tests for 3 methods and ensure 100% path coverage. Methods have to have McCabe complexity at least 3.
Project fullfill:
- Unit test use parametrized tests.
- Test fill be part of software lifecycle (maven).
- Use framework for mock object.
Deadline for submission is 3. week of semester (15.3.2023).
Labs for Automated UI Testing
Labs are focused to automated web UI testingtesting. Software Selenium are used in this labs.
Labs are ended by marked homework. Student have to create automated tests for 3 functionalities. Test should use Equivalence class partitioning and Boundary Value Analysis.
Deadline for submission is 6. week of semester (5.4.2023).
Labs for Performance Testing
Labs are focused to performace testing of web applications. Software JMeter is used in this labs.
Labs are ended by marked homework. Student have to create performence test of web application. Test should simulate behaviour of three different user types.
Deadline for submission is 11. week of semester (10.5.2023).
Eshop for tests
Among other things, it is possible to use two stores on a virtual server in the school network (it is necessary to turn on VPN).
ZenCart: http://vsrvfeia0h-114.vsb.cz/zencart/
ZenCart administration: http://vsrvfeia0h-114.vsb.cz/zencart/admin2
Name: admin
Password: admin1admin
OpenCart: http://vsrvfeia0h-114.vsb.cz/opencart/
OpenCart administration: http://vsrvfeia0h-114.vsb.cz/opencart/admin/
Name: admin
Password: admin
TDD - Zvaná přednáška Petra Šťovíka z firmy GMC
Podklady z přednášky na téma Test Driven Development.
Invited lecture of Tomáš Vepřek from Tieto company
Materials from lecture can by downloaded at Externí přednáška o výkonnostním testování - JMeter