6th lab at 21.10.2024
Iterable/Iterator interfaces, repetition
Base project
Use project at as a base to complete the following tasks.
Import to Eclipse:
- File -> Import... -> project from Git (with smart import) -> Clone URI -> (use above link as URI) -> Next -> Next -> Finish
Open in InteliJ IDEA:
- File -> New -> Project from Version Control... -> (use above link as URL) -> Clone
- Create class World which has collection of Heroes and other collection of Monsters.
- Initialize collections of heroes and monsters from class World in constructor. Generate random number of monsters and herors.
- Ensure that class World implements interface Iterable.
- Create inner class which implements interface Iterator and ensure, that object of this class will be returned in method World::iterator().
- Ensure that method remove() from interface Iterator will be overridden and implemented to allow remove elements during iteration.
solution can be found in project original project in branche solution